POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : where would the source code be uploaded? Server Time
27 Dec 2024 01:37:32 EST (-0500)
  where would the source code be uploaded? (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: mnaik
Subject: where would the source code be uploaded?
Date: 1 Feb 2008 11:55:01
Message: <web.47a34e3832494126a931f7800@news.povray.org>
Hi all,
        Eventually, when the source code is made available where would it be
uploaded so that I know where to check? thanks!

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From: Nicolas Alvarez
Subject: Re: where would the source code be uploaded?
Date: 1 Feb 2008 12:06:05
Message: <47a3517d$1@news.povray.org>

> Hi all,
>         Eventually, when the source code is made available where would it be
> uploaded so that I know where to check? thanks!

It would be surely announced on this newsgroup...

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