You can actualy have partial transparency. You only need an object thin
My test scene:
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1
mm_per_unit 5
#declare Prism = prism {
-0.5, 0.5, 4
<-1, -0.3>, <1, 0>, <-1, 0.3>, <-1, -0.3>
scale 12
object { Prism scale<2,2,1>
pigment { rgbf<1, 1, 1, 0.0> }
finish {
ambient 0
diffuse 0.8
phong 1
phong_size 200
subsurface { translucency <4, 1, 0.25>}
interior {
ior IOR
fade_distance 1
fade_power 1001
#include "colors.inc"
plane { -z, -20
pigment {
checker color Yellow color Green
scale 4
finish {
ambient 0.002
diffuse 0.8
camera {
location <0, 0, -100>
right 80 * 4/3 * x
up 80 * y
look_at <0, 0, 0>
Image on povray.binaries.images
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