Forgot to say(Copy+Paste):
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 1380 x 768
Pixels: 1127808 Samples: 735570 Smpls/Pxl: 0.65
Rays: 2382181 Saved: 0 Max Level: 1/5
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Quadric 8990228 4594141 51.10
Sphere 47512027 9695940 20.41
Bounding Box 131715272 65381264 49.64
Shadow Ray Tests: 2283661 Succeeded: 692493
Shadow Cache Hits: 170728
Transmitted Rays: 518803
Render Time:
Photon Time: No photons
Radiosity Time: No radiosity
Trace Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 3 seconds (3.703 seconds)
using 4 thread(s) with 14.373 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished
CPU time used: kernel 0.25 seconds, user 14.66 seconds, total 14.91 seconds.
Elapsed time 4.06 seconds, CPU vs elapsed time ratio 3.67.
Render averaged 260915.81 PPS (71100.38 PPS CPU time) over 1059840 pixels.
Preset INI file is 'C:\Mis Documentos\POV-Ray\v3.7\ini\quickres.ini',
section is '[1024x768, AA 0.3]'.
Preset source file is 'C:\Mis
Rendering using command line '+w1380 +h768 +AM2 +R2'.
Rendering with 4 threads.
Parser Options
Input file: C:\Mis
Remove bounds........On
Split unions.........Off
Library paths:
C:\Mis Documentos\POV-Ray\v3.7\include
Parse Warning: assumed_gamma is not supported in POV-Ray v3.7 and later
SDL. For compatibility purposes an assumed_gamma of 2.2 is taken to mean
gamma correction is off. Note that it is
possible to provide gamma settings in an INI file or on the command-line
if you really need to set them. See the documentation for more
information regarding this change.
Parser Statistics
Finite Objects: 1744
Infinite Objects: 3
Light Sources: 1
Total: 1748
Parser Time
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.032 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.015 CPU-seconds total
Bounding Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.000 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.000 CPU-seconds total
Warning: Scene contained deprecated 'assumed_gamma'. Output gamma has been
adjusted to match legacy 'assumed_gamma' due to language version being
set to
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The previous reply was truncated, sorry, still a noob on POV-Ray, but
here it is the render log:
Preset INI file is 'C:\Mis Documentos\POV-Ray\v3.7\ini\quickres.ini',
section is '[1024x768, AA 0.3]'.
Preset source file is 'C:\Mis
Rendering using command line '+w1380 +h768 +AM2 +R2'.
Rendering with 4 threads.
Parser Options
Input file: C:\Mis
Remove bounds........On
Split unions.........Off
Library paths:
C:\Mis Documentos\POV-Ray\v3.7\include
Parse Warning: assumed_gamma is not supported in POV-Ray v3.7 and later
SDL. For compatibility purposes an assumed_gamma of 2.2 is taken to mean
gamma correction is off. Note that it is
possible to provide gamma settings in an INI file or on the command-line
if you really need to set them. See the documentation for more
information regarding this change.
Parser Statistics
Finite Objects: 1744
Infinite Objects: 3
Light Sources: 1
Total: 1748
Parser Time
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.032 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.015 CPU-seconds total
Bounding Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.000 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.000 CPU-seconds total
Warning: Scene contained deprecated 'assumed_gamma'. Output gamma has been
adjusted to match legacy 'assumed_gamma' due to language version being
set to
3.6x or lower. However, future versions of POV-Ray will not support backward
compatibility with 'assumed_gamma'. It is strongly recommended you
update your
scene file by removing 'assumed_gamma' and add suitable 'Display_Gamma' and
'File_Gamma' options to your INI file or command-line instead. See the
documentation for details.
Render Options
Quality: 9
Bounding boxes.......On Bounding threshold: 3
Antialiasing.........On (Method 2, Threshold 0.300, Depth 2, Jitter
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 1380 x 768
Pixels: 1127808 Samples: 735570 Smpls/Pxl: 0.65
Rays: 2382181 Saved: 0 Max Level: 1/5
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Quadric 8990104 4594079 51.10
Sphere 47514339 9696321 20.41
Bounding Box 131717226 65383125 49.64
Shadow Ray Tests: 2283632 Succeeded: 692464
Shadow Cache Hits: 170761
Transmitted Rays: 518803
Render Time:
Photon Time: No photons
Radiosity Time: No radiosity
Trace Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 3 seconds (3.735 seconds)
using 4 thread(s) with 14.405 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished
CPU time used: kernel 0.11 seconds, user 14.81 seconds, total 14.92 seconds.
Elapsed time 4.08 seconds, CPU vs elapsed time ratio 3.66.
Render averaged 259892.10 PPS (71025.93 PPS CPU time) over 1059840 pixels.
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