now that the colourCache segfault seems gone (at least with the
workaround of 1+), I'm using the allscene.sh script, with some
1- Display= off in ~/.povray/3.7/povray.ini (to avoid random locking
fullblack till the mouse move over the rendering preview)
2- Number of thread: 30 (WT30 same file) (purpose: checking collision)
3- Antialiasing at 0.001, Depth 4 (same file & +A0.001 in povray line of
script) (nicer antialiasing than 0.3)
4- Using the last resolution, not the first (change comments in script)
5- Path to scene (in script: 3.7 instead of 3.6)
6- bounding box used always (MB1)
/usr/local/share/povray-3.7/scripts/allscene.sh -all -o .
so far, i_internal.pov is rendering (to 78 frames, 800x600) but already
some of them looks strange:
i_internal01.png (1)
i_internal02.png (1)
i_internal03.png (1)
(1): the intersection with the container provides squares, kind of a
checkered pattern (unregular), with two tones. Size of square somehow
match render-thread-size.
i_internal04.png: the section on the left seems truncated at the bottom,
might be an error in the math of the scene (too low ?), or a real issue
i_internal14.png: leftmost point of object, middle picture, a strange
shadow bump (selfshadowing ?)
only at frame 18 so far... stay tuned.
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