When using at least *two* light sources together with at least *three*
isosurfaces, the surface clipped by a spherical container becomes
transparent and dotted.
The following source shows this strange behaviour:
-Removing one of the light sources solves the problem.
-By adding the shadowless keyword in one of the lights, at least the
surface in the shadow is rendered correctly.
-Switching to a box container also solves the problem.
-With less than three isosurface objects it renders a correct surface.
In version 3.6 it renders correctly.
//start scene
#version 3.7;
camera {location <0,0,-18> look_at <0,0,0> angle 55}
background {rgb <.8,0,0>}
light_source {<-30, 100, -30> color rgb 0.6}
light_source {
<0, 0, -30> color rgb 0.5
// shadowless
#declare f_sphere = function { internal(61) }
#declare f_rounded_box = function { internal(60) }
isosurface {
function { f_sphere(x,y/4,z/4,1)}
// contained_by{box{<-1.6, -1.6,-1.6>,<1.6, 1.6, 1.6>}}
pigment {rgb 1}
scale 3
translate x*-4
isosurface {
function { f_rounded_box(x, y, z, 0.3, 0.8, 1, 0.8) }
// contained_by{box{<-0.85, -1.4,-0.25>,<0.85, 1.4, 0.85>}}
pigment {rgb 1}
scale 3
translate x*4
isosurface {
function { f_rounded_box(x, y, z, 0.05, 2, 0.1, 1.4) }
contained_by{box{<-3, -0.3,-1.5>,<3,0.5,1.5>}}
pigment {rgb 1}
scale 3
translate <0,-4,0>
//end scene
e-mail:sme### [at] skynetbe
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Le Sat, 16 Aug 2008 21:01:43 +0200, Smellenbergh a modifié des petits
morceaux de l'univers pour nous faire lire :
> When using at least *two* light sources together with at least *three*
> isosurfaces, the surface clipped by a spherical container becomes
> transparent and dotted.
This scene can be reduced to 1 light source and 1 isosurface when
reducing the bounding threshold. (Rendered and comfirmed on beta25,
linux amd64... no source yet for beta28 :-( )
Seems to be tied to bounding activation and containment by sphere.
(here, the container is also truncating the function, but that is
allowed, right ?)
povray -Ibug.pov -W640 -H480 +A0.001 +MB1
Correct (at least less noisy sphere):
povray -Ibug.pov -W640 -H480 +A0.001 +MB4
//start scene
#version 3.7;
camera {location <0,0,-18> look_at <0,0,0> angle 55}
background {rgb <.8,0,0>}
light_source {<-30, 100, -30> color rgb 0.6}
#declare f_sphere = function { internal(61) }
#declare f_rounded_box = function { internal(60) }
isosurface {
function { f_rounded_box(x, y, z, 0.3, 0.8, 1, 0.8) }
// contained_by{box{<-0.85, -1.4,-0.25>,<0.85, 1.4, 0.85>}}
pigment {rgb 1}
scale 3
translate x*4
//end scene
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