POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread. : Re: v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread. Server Time
10 Dec 2024 07:28:36 EST (-0500)
  Re: v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread.  
From: Bald Eagle
Date: 11 Nov 2024 10:50:00
Message: <web.6732268f18b34e67a911b6e125979125@news.povray.org>
William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:

> With this I think the code is the best answer. In my re-write, I
> flattened the code so there is little (no?) jumping around in the
> overall code base required to see what is going on. Last time I counted,
> yuqk's crackle was roughly 400 lines of code or so. See:
> CracklePattern::EvaluateRaw() in source/core/material/pattern.cpp

It's probably going to take me a bit of time to translate from c++ to something
I can more easily follow.

However, let me offer the following for your consideration:
(inspired by recent scenes, and some long-standing & recurring challenges, plus
you comment: "// TODO. Idea here is maybe return largest fitting spheres, etc...

The Appolonian Gasket code returns the largest fitting circles, and in 3D - the
largest fitting spheres.
Perhaps if "crackle" were to be approached from the standpoint of Voronoi and
Appolonian sharing common ground, then the triangles or tetrahedra containing
the inscribed circles or spheres would be more easily generated, and we could
get both for (a little more than) the price of one?

This would be the/a solution to the long-desired ability to pack a region with
non-overlapping circles/spheres.

A similar and directly related pattern would be the Malfatti circles.

Do we presently have the capability to simply "draw the outline" of the Voronoi

Do we have any idea what would be required to be able to generate the Dual
pattern - the Delaunay triangulation?

- BW

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