POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread. : Re: v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread. Server Time
2 Dec 2024 19:10:32 EST (-0500)
  Re: v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread.  
From: Bald Eagle
Date: 6 Nov 2024 10:55:00
Message: <web.672b906c18b34e674cc51b5c25979125@news.povray.org>
William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:

> Unsure how much my particular methods might help! How one might approach
> repeatability depends on the environment, underlying metrics, forms, etc.

I guess I was mostly interested in if/how you were doing the modular arithmetic
to get seamless tiling, and assign pattern results to drive color_map values.

> In my re-write of the crackle code I took advantage of newer hardware
> and features of C++. For example, I push all the working coordinates
> into a +x, +y +z space. Already the working grid internally (for the
> cubes) was integer based as the origin for each offset point relative to
> the evaluation point.

So - you've got a central cubelet surrounded by 26 other neighbor cubelets.
Is the central cubelet (off)set at <2, 2, 2>?

I suppose I will have to read through your code to better understand, and ask
better questions (or any at all).

Recalling some of your other posts - the pattern looks very "cubic" - rather
than a typical Voronoi pattern.

Also, have you thought about allowing user-defined distance metrics (Euclidean,
Manhattan, Minkowski, etc.) for generating the underlying pattern?

- BW

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