POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Spline causing 3.8 beta 2 to crash : Spline causing 3.8 beta 2 to crash Server Time
13 Oct 2024 05:47:44 EDT (-0400)
  Spline causing 3.8 beta 2 to crash  
From: Chris R
Date: 8 Feb 2023 09:50:00
Message: <web.63e3b5ca554275b637a9ec105cc1b6e@news.povray.org>
I have been experiencing crashes running the latest beta of POV-Ray v3.8 (Win64)
when trying to call a spline.  The narrowed it down to a few lines of code that
causes the crash:

#macro make_spline()
    #local _s   = spline {
        0, <0, 0, 0>,
        1, <0, 0, 1>,
        2, <1, 0, 2>,
        3, <2, 1, 3>

#local myspline = spline { make_spline() }

#debug concat("_pt=<", vstr(3, myspline(0), ",", 0, 3), ">\n")

The contents of the spline don't seem to matter nor does the type of spline.
The result is a memory access violation.

When I run the same code on v3.7 it works fine.

Declaring the spline outside of a macro does not cause the crash:

#local myspline   = spline {
    0, <0, 0, 0>,
    1, <0, 0, 1>,
    2, <1, 0, 2>,
    3, <2, 1, 3>

#debug concat("_pt=<", vstr(3, myspline(0), ",", 0, 3), ">\n")

-- Chris R.

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