William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Just to toss it out there, for as long as I've used datetime(now) as in:
> #version 3.8;
> #debug concat("v3.8 default -> ",datetime(now),"\n")
> I've gotten back:
> v3.8 default -> 2021-07-28 08:11:16Z
> because the default format strings has a 'Z' on the end where I suspect
> ' %Z' was intended. In the povr branch I changed to ' %z' as I think the
> time offset more general.
> v3.8 (povr) default -> 2021-07-28 08:15:15 -0400
is this new? because does not work for me, see below. also, while on 'povr', I
ran into trouble viewing font glyphs >= chr(256). (and thanks for raising the
"constant rounding" thing)
regards, jr.
jr@swift:6:wfp$ c### [at] tpov
#version 3.8;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1}
box {0,1}
#declare s_ = datetime(now);
#debug concat("datetime v3.8 default: '",s_,"'.\n")
jr@swift:7:wfp$ povr t.pov -gr -gs -d -f
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer (see --license)
Copyright 1991-2021 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.
Version 3.8.0-x.povr_1984d6ea.unofficial
(g++ 5.5.0 @ x86_64-slackware-linux-gnu)
This is an unofficial version compiled by: <jr### [at] swiftlan>
Dynamic optimizations:
CPU detected: Intel,SSE2,AVX,AVX2,FMA3
Noise generator: avx2fma3-intel (hand-optimized by Intel)
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
datetime v3.8 default: '2021-07-28 15:31:42Z'.
==== [Rendering...] ========================================================
POV-Ray finished
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