POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : POV-Ray v3.8.0-beta 1 - Parse error using "%s" in Win10 : Re: POV-Ray v3.8.0-beta 1 - Parse error using "%s" in Win10 Server Time
4 Oct 2024 13:52:50 EDT (-0400)
  Re: POV-Ray v3.8.0-beta 1 - Parse error using "%s" in Win10  
From: jr
Date: 27 Jul 2021 11:15:00
Message: <web.61002228e398ba995e0fed26cde94f1@news.povray.org>

clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 26.07.2021 um 10:34 schrieb jr:
>> #declare seed_ = mod((now-int(now))*1e16,1e9);
> - Variable name should use uppercase as the first letter. Just saying.

:-)  I can live with camelcase like 'fooBarBaz' but..

> - No need for `mod`, as the seeding via `#declare MyRNG = seed(seed_);`
> already effectively does a `mod` operation with a modulus of 2^32 (ca. 4e9).
> - Taking the time of day, rather than the running total, is a smart move
> I probably wouldn't have thought of, and had me thinking thrice to
> figure out whether it even has any advantage. (My preliminary
> conclusion: I think it does.)
> - Multiplying with 1e16 seems excessive. The value is given in days, and
> has a precision of microseconds at best; 8.64e10 would be the ideal
> factor in that case. Some systems may even provide timers as slow as one
> tick mer millisecond, in which case there would be little point in using
>   a factor larger than 8.64e6.
> There might be some point in multiplying with a very large number and
> then applying `mod`, so that seeds quickly diverge. But that doesn't
> work when the multiplying factor is a multiple of the modulus - you'd
> ideally want coprime values for that, otherwise you're not shuffling
> around information, you're just ditching digits.

I guess that ("ditching digits") was the idea.  take away the "constant" part,
shift the decimal point by 16 positions (I was looking at 'now' with
'str(now,0,16)', and all positions are in use/change), then "truncate".

> ...
> The following might do nicely:
>      #declare seed_ = (now-int(now))*(1e9+1);

it does (and I'll be using that).  output is more like using "%s", ie
incrementing, than with the "diverging" 'mod()'.

AM: yes, 'pi', neat, though not for this project.  thanks.

regards, jr.

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