POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Windows XP compatibility : Re: Windows XP compatibility Server Time
4 Oct 2024 04:18:53 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Windows XP compatibility  
From: HKarsten
Date: 19 Jul 2021 14:50:00
Message: <web.60f5c8dcd5a68e3bd47798fead2d5cff@news.povray.org>
Hi jr, :)
If I would have a system, small enough, this would be an option.
Several times I tried to virtualized my System. Sometimes the drivers are poor
and  my 3D-Programms, like 3DS-Max, or Maya does not run properly or other
things happened.
And I still didn't find a host-system, small enough for not being in the way.
So: as long as my System can run natively, it turned out to be the best way.
BTW: my 2003 is a pure offline System. It never was connected to the internet
for even a fragment of a second, and it never will be.

For being connected, I an using Puppy-linux:

Its running from RAM, so if it's going to be compromised, next time booting it
has forgotten all about it.

For my 3D-Printer the sclicer is not running on XP for example, and I have to
use my Linux for it. It's pain in the as to do a reboot just for slicing!

Having a PovRay as plain-static cygwin-exe would be the much nicer way, instead
of rebooting the machine.

Best rgds,

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