clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 06.06.2018 um 19:13 schrieb Thorsten Froehlich:
> > Note that the TrueType font decoding used to be rather buggy before 3.6 (or was
> > it 3.5?), which is why i.e. in 3.0 it matched the MacRoman font tables before
> > ever getting to the other tables.
> Presumably before v3.5, because that's the version number threshold
> POV-Ray v3.7 tests for.
Yes, there should be a compatibility warning in there somewhere because it was
decided back then that the previous behavior was so badly broken that only ASCII
ever worked. The other problem found back then was that especially many (old)
free fonts used to be not exactly conforming to the specifications available at
the time (i.e. some only worked on Macs, others only on Windows), which might
also be due to the specs not being easily accessible when the freeware that some
people used to create those fonts was published. So there is very little point
trying to recreate all that odd behavior.
> But right now I don't really care much /why/ POV-Ray is behaving the way
> it does; at the moment I'm just taking stock of /how/ it currently
> behaves, so that I can mimick it as accurately as reasonably possible
> within the framework of the v3.8 parser changes.
I would suggest to go with the documented behavior, which is ASCII support for
charset ASCII and UCS-2 support (because that is all what fonts had back then)
for UTF-8 input. And after that maybe consider adding the missing cmap table
support for the extended Unicode stuff beyond the 16 bit codes. You will also
need to fiddle with color fonts and the like then ... but at least nowadays you
can find those specs on the internet. Adding Unicode support to 3.5 meant buying
the Unicode 3.0 book...
Btw., I found that the best way to determine what happens inside the TrueType
parser code is enabling the debug code in there. Otherwise you can never be
certain there isn't some problem with the input file rather than the code.
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