POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread. : Re: v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread. Server Time
10 Dec 2024 06:40:35 EST (-0500)
  Re: v3.8+ crackle instability (facets?) with >1 uses per thread.  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 17 Nov 2024 18:13:28
Message: <673a7898@news.povray.org>
On 11/17/24 07:53, William F Pokorny wrote:
> Got some coffee in me and gave the cylindrical warp a go.

While playing, created attached images. The right one by accident...

Last part of the function { pattern {crackle ...} } used was:

         warp {
             it_amount <1/3,1/3,1/3>
             it_omega 0.87 it_lambda 4.7 it_scale 1/5
         scale <1/6,1,1>
         warp { cylindrical }
         warp { spherical }    // Oops

Aiming again for shapes that are not really shapes in a usual way. 
Suppose yesbird's recent gravity toy post in the same vein.

The isosurface gradient set low (1.3), accuracy really rough at 0.05, 
but with isosurface jitter (jittering within accuracy range) on - and 
aggressive AA (antialias_min_depth=2 +r4) sampling. yuqk only features 
are involved.

Bill P.

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