Am 28.07.2021 um 15:16 schrieb William F Pokorny:
> Just to toss it out there, for as long as I've used datetime(now) as in:
> #version 3.8;
> #debug concat("v3.8 default -> ",datetime(now),"\n")
> I've gotten back:
> because the default format strings has a 'Z' on the end where I suspect
> ' %Z' was intended. In the povr branch I changed to ' %z' as I think the
> time offset more general.
The `datetime` function with default values works as documented:
"The default for the STRING parameter format is %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%SZ"
I'm not the author of that functionality, but according to my
understanding, this is entirely intentional:
Since the information provided by "now" is based on UTC, and the
`strftime` conversion specifiers are time zone agnostic(*), the printed
date and time are also with respect to UTC.
In full compliance with ISO 8601, this is indicated by appending a
literal uppercase `Z` right after the time, which is the official time
zone designator for UTC.
(*)Except for `%Z` or `%z` of course.
Speaking of which: Appending either of those instead of "Z" would
actually give a wrong time, unless you first convert `now` to local time.
Also, per ISO 8601 any time zone designator should be appended to the
time without any intervening space.
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