POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : POV-Ray v3.7.1-beta.3 Released : Re: POV-Ray v3.7.1-beta.3 Released Server Time
3 Dec 2024 22:05:04 EST (-0500)
  Re: POV-Ray v3.7.1-beta.3 Released  
From: StephenS
Date: 20 Feb 2017 13:06:11
Message: <58ab3013$1@news.povray.org>
On 20/02/2017 12:27 PM, clipka wrote:
>> I post about Win XP32, I render on Win10 64bit.
> So you're saying you're no longer using POV-Ray on XP yourself?
> Well, that might change things...

I will continue to turn on my 'old' Win XP computer and play games, and 
even use POV-Ray on it, but I only need pov v3.6 for this.

I no longer use XP for rendering of scene files for output. It has been 
used for CSG visualization with a OpenGL GUI modeller for years now. 
Anything not supported has been hand coded with #if (version xxxxxx) 

I would fully support POV-Ray 3.70 as the last fully supported Win XP.

I can only speak for myself, but I no long need POV-Ray for Win XP.

Stephen S

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