POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test.binaries : v3.8 Isosurface artefacts test case. Windows/OSX confirmation? : Re: v3.8 Isosurface artefacts test case. Windows/OSX confirmation? Server Time
8 Oct 2024 05:15:17 EDT (-0400)
  Re: v3.8 Isosurface artefacts test case. Windows/OSX confirmation?  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 3 Jun 2020 14:10:03
Message: <5ed7e77b$1@news.povray.org>
On 10/12/19 1:57 PM, William F Pokorny wrote:
> I have a first pass f_npmod() and pattern.cpp updates. Tested creating 
> isosurface 'sheets' from all 27 tiling patterns. 15 of those originally 
> hit the mod()/fmod() jump to zero issue. My initial code cleaned up all 
> but 6 of those. 4 of those 6 had other numerical issues in the tiling 
> code like not clamping to 1.0 where the old 1.00001 fmod allowed the 
> tiny overrun.
> I'm left with two tiling patterns still an issue in tilings 19 and 20.
> I'm attaching an image for 20 showing the initial pattern.cpp 'mod' 
> fixes and new f_mpmod function. These partly fixed issues in 19 and 20 
> as seen left to right - but there is still something wrong. It looks 
> like an incorrect count in x or similar at the isosurface z sides is 
> part of it, but I've not found the problem(s).

Following up. The last issues with 19 and 20 were me not getting the 
scaling for repetition right. I'd cut those two patterns in half on one 

All tiling patterns now clean for me in isosurface use.

Bill P.

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