I have (as part of my final year project) been required to turn the IT
department into a huge beowulf cluster. I have done this and the
webspidering application i wrote performed quite well, however my
supervisor wants something 'flashy' to show the invigilators, i suggested i
could try to get something like pov ray up and working on it. but I
seriously doubt i will have time to actually generate a scene (I have no
talent in that area you see).
so basically anyone want a scene rendered that would take days on their
pc? If you host the source on a site and email me the link on
ee2### [at] yahoocom ill render and return it to you within a day. i have
to present it on tuesday, so if you could get link to me monday morning
(GMT) i could test it out, etc.
anyway, thats about it. If you dont have a project you need remdering
but know of some data i can just drop in to pov-ray(metrology data, fluids,
etc), that would be a help too.
Im sorry if i sound like im asking someone else to do my course work, but
this is really not my area (programming major) and im only asking as a
"flashy" application was requested. thanks for any help
bryan devaney
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