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Hello, im new to this community, but i would like to present you all my first
ever animation! Made with Windows Movie Maker and 13 different scenes to form
Name: Fall.mp4
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Download 'fall.mp4.dat' (682 KB)
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"SWG" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hello, im new to this community, but i would like to present you all my first
> ever animation! Made with Windows Movie Maker and 13 different scenes to form
> frames.
> Name: Fall.mp4
Not bad for your first time! Looking forward to seeing what you else can do with
Have Fun!
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"Leroy" <whe### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> "SWG" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > Hello, im new to this community, but i would like to present you all my first
> > ever animation! Made with Windows Movie Maker and 13 different scenes to form
> > frames.
> > Name: Fall.mp4
> Not bad for your first time! Looking forward to seeing what you else can do with
> POV.
> Have Fun!
Thanks for the compliment, im looking forward to doing more!
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"SWG" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hello, im new to this community, but i would like to present you all my first
> ever animation! Made with Windows Movie Maker and 13 different scenes to form
> frames.
> Name: Fall.mp4
Use a lot more frames to get a smoother animation.
If it's a falling ball, then it should accelerate as it falls.
See if you can make it bounce with a cyclic animation.
It should slow down as it reaches the top of it's travel, and then accelerate
back down.
Good job making your first animation!
That's pretty much how I started :)
- BE
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On 2/24/25 14:51, SWG wrote:
> Hello, im new to this community, but i would like to present you all my first
> ever animation! Made with Windows Movie Maker and 13 different scenes to form
> frames.
> Name: Fall.mp4
Reflective sphere on checkered plane? Check. :-)
POV-Ray's inbuilt animation capabilities are worth a look.
//--- this.pov
sphere { // Explicit movement of 1.0 in x for 9 frames
<-0.5+(frame_number-1)/8,0.2,2>, 0.2
pigment { rgb <1,0,0> }
finish { emission 1 }
sphere { // Generic movement of 1.0 in x for n frames
<-0.5+(clock*1.0),-0.2,2>, 0.2
pigment { rgb <0,1,0> }
finish { emission 1 }
// Try the following two commands:
// povray this.pov +w400 +h300 -p +kff9
// povray this.pov +w400 +h300 -p +kff18
// The 1st command creates files this1.png through this9.png.
// The 2nd command creates files this01.png through this18.png.
// +kff specifies the 'final frame' count - which less other
// options is the total frame count - and it triggers the
// rendering of frames for an animation.
Bill P.
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