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From: StephenS
Subject: Floor plan animation
Date: 17 Jan 2006 20:54:42
Message: <43cd9fe2$1@news.povray.org>
This is my attempt at an animation, and not just a rotating object at the
It is split into two files (size limitation on the site)
floor_planA9_a.mpg 3243kb
floor_planA9_b.mpg 3395kb
I used TMPGEnc to combine targa pictures into the animation using
MPEG-1 320x240 24fps CBR 1600kbps

Although most of my time is still spent on adding content to the scene, I
would like to start moving towards better lighting, textures and overall

I'm using a single set of splines for the whole animation
(location/look_at). This will be split into several sets covering a shorter
distance. The current path of the camera was only to get started and will

The lighting is Radiosity:
    adc_bailout 0.01
    brightness 1
    count 1200
    error_bound .8
    gray_threshold 0.0
    low_error_factor 0.5
    max_sample -1
    minimum_reuse 0.015
    nearest_count 20
    pretrace_end 0.005
    pretrace_start 0.16
    recursion_limit 1
    always_sample on
    media off
    normal off
  } // end radiosity
} // end global_settings

Lighted by (cylinder acting as a florescent tube)
         color rgb <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
          ambient 1000.0
          diffuse 100.0

threshold = 0.3
depth = 2
method = 2

Rendered with megapov 1.2.1. I'm not currently using any feature for this,
but would like to add some MechSim at some point in the furture.

Windows 98se says my system is a AMD Athlon XP 2200+ with 224MB ram.
The 800 frames of the animation (320x240) took about 4 days 3 hours. The
longest frame about 23 min and the shortest 2 min.

The roof trusses currently have a little less than half the objects in the
scene and removing them brings the first frame from 12 min to 6 min. I do
like the effect they give the picture so I'll remove them for testing and
put them back in for final renders.

The first frame has the following stats:
Scene Statistics
  Finite objects:         4359
  Infinite objects:          1
  Light sources:             0
  Total:                  4360

Render Statistics
Image Resolution 320 x 240

Pixels:            88225   Samples:          319762   Smpls/Pxl: 3.62
Rays:           68470162   Saved:                 0   Max Level: 2/10

Ray->Shape Intersection          Tests       Succeeded  Percentage

Box                          335434194        87189890     25.99
Cone/Cylinder           101120595         4614417      4.56
CSG Intersection        92146093        37132868     40.30
CSG Merge                      90950            1883         2.07
CSG Union                 16677086          577947       3.47
Isosurface                             165              78           47.27
Isosurface Container        324867             165         0.05
Isosurface Cache                  162               0            0.00
Lathe                              713215             170         0.02
Lathe Bound                   713215             176         0.02
Mesh                               63480            1502           2.37
Prism                           2534738          453153       17.88
Prism Bound              15912924        11994702     75.38
Sphere                         3147815           38337         1.22
Torus                          1299468            3648           0.28
Torus Bound                1299468            4742          0.36
True Type Font            6824583             862            0.01
Bounding Object            398603          391765        98.28
Bounding Box         4280125230      1110607013    25.95
Vista Buffer                 20014943        12074316     60.33

Radiosity samples calculated:            56792 (17.85 %)
Radiosity samples reused:               261454
  Samples (final trace)                  49101
  Samples (recursion 1)                  56792

Smallest Alloc:                         17 bytes
Largest  Alloc:                    86416 bytes
Peak memory used:      14474687 bytes
Frame Processing Times
  Parse Time:    0 hours  0 minutes  0 seconds (0 seconds)
  Photon Time:   0 hours  0 minutes  0 seconds (0 seconds)
  Render Time:   0 hours 12 minutes 28 seconds (748 seconds)
  Total Time:    0 hours 12 minutes 28 seconds (748 seconds)

Comments most welcome.


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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 17 Jan 2006 23:32:24
Message: <43cdc4d8$1@news.povray.org>
StephenS wrote:

> This is my attempt at an animation, and not just a rotating object at the
> origin.

Very nifty! That's what I was trying to do with my castle macros, but 
the rendering takes so long for a single image (due primarily to the 
lighting) that making an animation turned out to be infeasible.

   Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
    Luke, the Force is a powerful ally,
    second only to The QuickSave.

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 18 Jan 2006 17:01:42
Message: <43cebac6$1@news.povray.org>
> Very nifty! That's what I was trying to do with my castle macros, but
> the rendering takes so long for a single image (due primarily to the
> lighting) that making an animation turned out to be infeasible.
Thank you. If the animation gets longer than my patience to render it, I may
turn it into a slide show instead :-)


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From: Ger
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 18 Jan 2006 17:57:32
Message: <43cec7dc@news.povray.org>
"StephenS" <sshonfield(at)ottawa(dot)net> wrote:

>> Very nifty! That's what I was trying to do with my castle macros, but
>> the rendering takes so long for a single image (due primarily to the
>> lighting) that making an animation turned out to be infeasible.
> Thank you. If the animation gets longer than my patience to render it, I
> may turn it into a slide show instead :-)
> Stephen


I would like to see this turned into a fully working factory :)

You might wanna turn off radiosity in your renders. It will reduce the
flickering in the animation and speed up the render precess by a couple of

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 18 Jan 2006 20:37:31
Message: <43ceed5b$1@news.povray.org>
> Neat
>  :)
> I would like to see this turned into a fully working factory :)
> You might wanna turn off radiosity in your renders. It will reduce the
> flickering in the animation and speed up the render precess by a couple of
> magnitudes
> --
> Ger
I have tried using lights early on, 50 point lights, but was disappointed
with the shadows this created. A small mount of flickering is acceptable,
but not the current amount. Any suggestions on how to light the interior of
a building like this with lights?


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From: Ger
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 19 Jan 2006 04:34:50
Message: <43cf5d3a@news.povray.org>
"StephenS" <sshonfield(at)ottawa(dot)net> wrote:

>> Neat
>>  :)
>> I would like to see this turned into a fully working factory :)
>> You might wanna turn off radiosity in your renders. It will reduce the
>> flickering in the animation and speed up the render precess by a couple
>> of magnitudes
>> --
>> Ger
> I have tried using lights early on, 50 point lights, but was disappointed
> with the shadows this created. A small mount of flickering is acceptable,
> but not the current amount. Any suggestions on how to light the interior
> of a building like this with lights?
> Stephen

I use a 3-point lighting for the background light.
If sun light can enter the building then it's something like this

// the sun
light_source{ 0 color SunColor * 0.75
#if (Final)
        area_light <25000, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 25000>, 7, 7
        adaptive 1
        translate SunPosition

// background light
light_source{ 0 color SunColor * 0.250
        translate SunPosition
        rotate y * 120 shadowless

light_source{ 0 color SunColor * 0.250
        translate SunPosition
        rotate y * 240 shadowless

one or more rows of overhead point lights, emulating the fluoressent tubes,
for the overall inside lights and  I would use point lights near the
machines so that the machines are clearly visible

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 22 Jan 2006 17:25:02
Message: <43d4063e$1@news.povray.org>
> I use a 3-point lighting for the background light.
> If sun light can enter the building then it's something like this
> // the sun
> light_source{ 0 color SunColor * 0.75
> #if (Final)
>         area_light <25000, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 25000>, 7, 7
>         adaptive 1
> #end
>         translate SunPosition
> }
> // background light
> light_source{ 0 color SunColor * 0.250
>         translate SunPosition
>         rotate y * 120 shadowless
>         }
> light_source{ 0 color SunColor * 0.250
>         translate SunPosition
>         rotate y * 240 shadowless
>         }
> one or more rows of overhead point lights, emulating the fluoressent
> for the overall inside lights and  I would use point lights near the
> machines so that the machines are clearly visible
> --
> Ger

I've been giving this some thought, I may try it later. The building only
has windows on two sides, several walls and shelves of material block large
portions of the interior from direct sunlight. "rows of overhead point
lights, emulating the fluorescent tubes" is the part I'm struggling with.
There are approximately 14 rows of 10, 8 foot double fluorescent tubes, with
most pieces of equipment having one or more additional light fixtures
hanging from the ceiling. Any suggestions on how many point (or maybe spot)
lights per fixture I should use?


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From: Ger
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 22 Jan 2006 17:57:57
Message: <43d40df5@news.povray.org>
"StephenS" <sshonfield(at)ottawa(dot)net> wrote:

> I've been giving this some thought, I may try it later. The building only
> has windows on two sides, several walls and shelves of material block
> large portions of the interior from direct sunlight. "rows of overhead
> point lights, emulating the fluorescent tubes" is the part I'm struggling
> with. There are approximately 14 rows of 10, 8 foot double fluorescent
> tubes, with most pieces of equipment having one or more additional light
> fixtures hanging from the ceiling. Any suggestions on how many point (or
> maybe spot) lights per fixture I should use?
> Stephen

This is what I used a while back in a project I was working on
#declare the Lights variable however high/low you want it. Just keep in mind
that this is a multiplier

#if ( Final )
        #declare Lights = 5; // Makes a total of 11 lights per TL-lamp
        #declare Lights = 0; // Just 1 light for preview purposes

#macro TL_Bak(OnOff)
union {
        box {< -25 , 0 , -500 >,<  25 , 70 , 500> pigment { White }}
        box {< -15 , 0 , -500 >,<  15 ,-25 ,-475> pigment { White }}
        box {< -15 , 0 ,  500 >,<  15 ,-25 , 475> pigment { White }}
        cylinder {<0,-25,-500>,<0,-25,-475>,15 pigment { White }}
        cylinder {<0,-25, 500>,<0,-25, 475>,15 pigment { White }}
        cylinder {<0,-25,-450>,<0,-25,450>,20 pigment { White } #if
( WorkshopLights ) finish { ambient 10 } #else finish { Shiny } #end
no_shadow }
        cylinder {<0,-25,-450>,<0,-25,-475>,17.5 pigment { P_Brass5 }}
        cylinder {<0,-25, 450>,<0,-25, 475>,17.5 pigment { P_Brass5 }}

// this is a lil something I used then for testing purposes but I can't
honestly say what or how anymore

        #if ( SpeedLighting )
                #local Multiplicator = 7/2;
                #local Multiplicator = 1;
// +++++++++
        #if (WorkshopLights)
                #if (OnOff)
                        #local C=-Lights;
                        #while (C<=Lights)
                        light_source{ 0 color rgb (Multiplicator * Strength / (Lights
* 2 + 1))
                                fade_power 1.00 fade_distance 300 //1.35
                                translate <0, -25, C*(900/(Lights * 2 + 1)) >
                                #local C=C+1;

// Use as

#declare WorkShopLighting =
union {
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,4200 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,4200 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,2800 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,2800 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,1400 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,1400 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,   0 >}

        object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,   0 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,-1400 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,-1400 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,-2800 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,-2800 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,-4200 >}
        object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,-4200 >}

Feel free to use/mangle/experiment


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From: Ger
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 22 Jan 2006 18:09:09
Message: <43d41094@news.povray.org>
Ger wrote:

> "StephenS" <sshonfield(at)ottawa(dot)net> wrote:
>> I've been giving this some thought, I may try it later. The building only
>> has windows on two sides, several walls and shelves of material block
>> large portions of the interior from direct sunlight. "rows of overhead
>> point lights, emulating the fluorescent tubes" is the part I'm struggling
>> with. There are approximately 14 rows of 10, 8 foot double fluorescent
>> tubes, with most pieces of equipment having one or more additional light
>> fixtures hanging from the ceiling. Any suggestions on how many point (or
>> maybe spot) lights per fixture I should use?
>> Stephen
> This is what I used a while back in a project I was working on
> #declare the Lights variable however high/low you want it. Just keep in
> #mind
> that this is a multiplier
> #if ( Final )
>         #declare Lights = 5; // Makes a total of 11 lights per TL-lamp
> #else
>         #declare Lights = 0; // Just 1 light for preview purposes
> #end
> #macro TL_Bak(OnOff)
> union {
>         box {< -25 , 0 , -500 >,<  25 , 70 , 500> pigment { White }}
>         box {< -15 , 0 , -500 >,<  15 ,-25 ,-475> pigment { White }}
>         box {< -15 , 0 ,  500 >,<  15 ,-25 , 475> pigment { White }}
>         cylinder {<0,-25,-500>,<0,-25,-475>,15 pigment { White }}
>         cylinder {<0,-25, 500>,<0,-25, 475>,15 pigment { White }}
>         cylinder {<0,-25,-450>,<0,-25,450>,20 pigment { White } #if
> ( WorkshopLights ) finish { ambient 10 } #else finish { Shiny } #end
> no_shadow }
>         cylinder {<0,-25,-450>,<0,-25,-475>,17.5 pigment { P_Brass5 }}
>         cylinder {<0,-25, 450>,<0,-25, 475>,17.5 pigment { P_Brass5 }}
> // this is a lil something I used then for testing purposes but I can't
> honestly say what or how anymore
>         #if ( SpeedLighting )
>                 #local Multiplicator = 7/2;
>         #else
>                 #local Multiplicator = 1;
>         #end
> // +++++++++
>         #if (WorkshopLights)
>                 #if (OnOff)
>                         #local C=-Lights;
>                         #while (C<=Lights)
>                         light_source{ 0 color rgb (Multiplicator *
>                         Strength / (Lights * 2 + 1))
>                                 fade_power 1.00 fade_distance 300 //1.35
>                                 translate <0, -25, C*(900/(Lights * 2 +
>                                 1)) > }
>                                 #local C=C+1;
>                         #end
>                 #end
>         #end
> }
> #end
> // Use as
> #declare WorkShopLighting =
> union {
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,4200 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,4200 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,2800 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,2800 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,1400 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,1400 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,   0 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,   0 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,-1400 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,-1400 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,-2800 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,-2800 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate <-2070, 2400,-4200 >}
>         object { TL_Bak(on) translate < 2070, 2400,-4200 >}
> }
> Feel free to use/mangle/experiment

Check p.b.i for an example image (workshop)

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: Floor plan animation
Date: 23 Jan 2006 06:06:33
Message: <43d4b8b9$1@news.povray.org>
> > Feel free to use/mangle/experiment
> >
> Check p.b.i for an example image (workshop)
> --
> Ger
Thanks, as time permits I'll experiment. The image is very close to the
style I was thinking of.


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