POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.animations : Camera jumping on a grid (x and z coordinates) Server Time
6 Feb 2025 01:19:06 EST (-0500)
  Camera jumping on a grid (x and z coordinates) (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Stefan Schleifer
Subject: Camera jumping on a grid (x and z coordinates)
Date: 23 Mar 2003 14:24:47
Message: <3e7e09ff@news.povray.org>

i'm trying to render something special (?) with povray: I like to have the
camera jump on a grid in the scene, but not on every field on the grid.

Let's say we have a grid sized 7 by 7, i'd like to render the grids
4,3 and

The problem is solved easily by creating a .pov-File for each grid including
the proper camera. Problem is: Parsing the scene takes up to 1 Minute. If i
could have the camera jump in the scene it would be much more quicker.

I am thinking about a construction like
if grid=1,2 then
    camera (xxx....)
if grid=1,3 then
    camera (yyy...)

Is there any way to handle this within a .pov-scene-file? Can someone help
me with that issue?


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