Hello everyone
I'm looking for a simple povray animation, that has 2 aeroplans chasing
each other or a helicopter taking off at a vertical angle,
Can anyone help me, please I've been looking for pov-ray simple
animation code and I can't seem to find anything, does anyone have any
Please help!!
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VICTOR THABETHE <vt2### [at] coventryacuk> wrote:
> I'm looking for a simple povray animation, that has 2 aeroplans chasing
> each other or a helicopter taking off at a vertical angle,
> Can anyone help me, please I've been looking for pov-ray simple
> animation code and I can't seem to find anything, does anyone have any
> suggestions?
If you want an easy way to animate objects along paths, you could try my
Spline Macro File, available with a tutorial at:
The file allows you to plot out paths through POV-Ray's "space" using a list
of vector points, so the path moves smoothly from one point to the next,
#declare Path1 = create_spline (ListOfPoints, default_options)
#declare Path2 = create_spline (ListOfPoints, spline_tension (-0.6))
Then, you can animate objects:
object {AirPlane animate_by_spline (Path1, auto_banking (0.75))
object {AirPlane animate_by_spline (Path2, default_options)
The macro takes care of positioning and rotating your objects so they follow
the path, even banking around turns. You can also animate the camera,
lights, etc. for an all-moving spectacular!
From the main page (http://www.geocities.com/ccolefax) you can also download
the Automatic Clock Modifier macro which lets you keyframe aspects of your
scene (including numbers, colours, and textures), and there's a link to an
excellent POV animation tutorial by Steve Strickland.
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"VICTOR THABETHE" <vt2### [at] coventryacuk> wrote in message
> Hello everyone
> I'm looking for a simple povray animation, that has 2 aeroplans chasing
> each other or a helicopter taking off at a vertical angle,
> Can anyone help me, please I've been looking for pov-ray simple
> animation code and I can't seem to find anything, does anyone have any
> suggestions?
> Please help!!
> vic...
I'm using Alex Enzmann's animation plugin. It works great! I have the most
recent exe. It's on the Web somewhere; I always have a hard time finding
it. If you want it , email me and I will send.
rhm### [at] homecom
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