A. Jans-Beken <jan### [at] wxsnl> wrote:
> I have downloaded a model of a Boeing 747 in 3DX format, and converted
> it to POV format (triangles).
> Now I would like to wrap a texture around it, but I do not succeed. The
> final texture will be "Air Force One" logo and colours.
In the current official version, bitmap textures are supported using the
image_map, bump_map and material_map keywords. Each offers various ways to
map the 2D texture into 3D space, by converting the bitmap into a 3D
pattern. For example, planar mapping converts each pixel into infinite
"rods" all parallel to one axis, spherical mapping converts each pixel to
rods emanating from the origin, etc.
In most cases, you can transform these mappings to fit your surfaces without
too much trouble. However, there is no way to directly "wrap" a bitmap onto
a surface, following the surface's shape. This feature, known as UV
mapping, will be available in POV-Ray 3.5. In the meantime, you can use it
as part of MegaPOV (http://nathan.kopp.com).
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I've tried a program called Graffiti that you can use to paint onto DXF models.
Not the easiest thing to do and it's not a really great program but it can be
done. Only uses RAW models and DIB image files I guess.
Placing a few things yourself in POV isn't too hard if all you need is planar,
spherical, cylindrical and toroidal mapping. A little scaling rotating and
translating can get things in the right place.
Some links to programs that might be of use:
Bob H.
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