I tried to create animation of a missle flying along a spline
(superpatched POV). It looked good, so I decided to add some smoke
to it. I downloaded Mikael Carenholm's SmokeGen, read the
instructions and used it in my scene. But then - "error: RValue to
declare expected but spline identifier found instead."
Here's that part of the code:
#declare TorRakiety = spline {
.75 <1.75, 0, 4>
.9 <1.5, 2, 10>
1.15 <1.75, 4, 16>
1.25 <2.25, 6, 22>
#if (clock>.75)
sphere {
TorRakiety(clock) .25
pigment { rgb x }
#declare obj_pos = TorRakiety(clock); //error appears to be here
#include "SmokeGen.inc"
Any suggestions...?
Wojtek Bauman aka reaver | rea### [at] spleenwawpl | ICQ: 3429749 |
http://reaver.spleen.waw.pl | PGP: finger bauman@inx.pm.waw.pl |
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TonyB wrote:
> If you read the SuperPatch documentation, you'll see that splines have a bug
> that requires you do this:
> #declare obj_pos = <0,0,0>+TorRakiety(clock);
Thank you. I've read the SuperPatch docs some time ago and I forgot
about this. Really :)
Wojtek Bauman aka reaver | rea### [at] spleenwawpl | ICQ: 3429749 |
http://reaver.spleen.waw.pl | PGP: finger bauman@inx.pm.waw.pl |
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