Hello all. I'm trying to get an object to do a sort of walk/waddle sort of
thing. I'm having major problems with it. Specifically, it's jumping all over
the place. Right now, I haven't even implimented the moving forward part,
because I can't even get the rotating motion right. I'd greatly appriciate some
help. Here's my latest attempt at making this thing work. The clock is set to
run from 0-5.
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
location <0.0 , 5.0 ,-9.0>
look_at <0.0 , 0.0 , -4.0>
color red 1.0 green 1.0 blue 1.0
translate <-20, 40, -20>
#declare NumSteps=5
#declare WalkAngle=45 // change this to change the length of the stride
#declare W_Angle=0 // don't change this
#declare RotateFrom=1 // This is how far from the center the object rotates on
each step
#declare Steps=0
#declare UpAngle=15
#declare StepClock=-1
#declare StartZ=0
#declare CumulativeZ=0
plane { y, 0 pigment { checker color Blue color Green } }
cylinder { <0, 0, -100> <0, 0, 100> .05 pigment { Yellow} }
#declare Walker =
union {
box { <-1, 1, -.25> <1, 1.2, .25> pigment { Red } }
cylinder { <0, 0, 0> <0, .99, 0> .25 translate -x*.75 pigment { Orange } }
cylinder { <0, 0, 0> <0, .99, 0> .25 translate x*.75 pigment { Orange } }
#if ( mod(int(clock),2) = 0 )
#if (W_Angle < WalkAngle)
#declare StepClock=(2*(clock-Steps)-1)
#declare W_Angle=(WalkAngle*StepClock)
object { Walker translate x*RotateFrom
rotate <0, W_Angle, 0>
translate <-RotateFrom, 0, 0> }
#declare Steps=(Steps+1)
#declare W_Angle = 0
#if (W_Angle < WalkAngle)
#declare StepClock=(2*(clock-Steps)-1)
#declare W_Angle=(WalkAngle*StepClock+90)
object { Walker translate -x*RotateFrom
rotate <0, -W_Angle, 0>
translate < RotateFrom, 0, 0> }
#declare Steps=(Steps+1)
#declare W_Angle = 0
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