POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.animations : How do you do your Animations? : Re: How do you do your Animations? Server Time
17 Feb 2025 18:15:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: How do you do your Animations?  
From: Bald Eagle
Date: 13 Jan 2020 19:10:01
Message: <web.5e1d06cc26a70c9b4eec112d0@news.povray.org>
"Leroy" <whe### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> I just wondering how other people here do their animations. I've done a few,
> some very long 3 minutes or more. I started a new one, a simple walk through,
> around a building with lots of belts and pulleys.
>  On most of my other animations I use one pov file per scene. Each scene had all
> the things needed for that bit of animation. Now that I'm doing a walk through I
> plan on using one file that has every thing needed and drop things not in view.
> I'll have one file that has all the camera locations in an array that will give
> the values for each frame. Then when the values are used drop the array using
> the #undef function.
>  Any thoughts will handy.

Most of my animations are just straightforward 1-clock-cycle variable scenes.

I did one of a set of tori just for fun, and with that one, I divided the clock
cycle up by using a #switch-range-break block.  Each section of that was 1/10th
of a clock cycle and I just used the current clock value in an equation to make
each section's Clock [meta]variable return 0-1.

I did a walkthrough of a section of a large complex I was working on, and I just
left all of the unseen parts defined.   It didn't seem to matter much, and I
have a lot more memory in my current machine than I did then.
IIRC, I just used a linear spline to direct the camera position.
What you _could_ do is use your clock value and #switch to control a list of
#include files to filter out not-in-view objects.
If you'd like, I also worked out the whole camera view frustum calculations, and
you could somehow check to see if a portion of an object's bounding box was
intersecting the view frustum and then either #declare it as a visible object in
the scene or not.

I'd see about contacting the guy who did the engine animation, or the puzzle
boxes, or any of the other more complicated, step-wise movies with many parts.

Dick Balaska obviously has his own mini cinematic production company churning
away in his living room and across the internet - so that may be on another
level entirely.  ;)

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