I have made an animation and rendered the animation, but when i hit RENDER
it just opens a black renderer. render. I have a camera and about ten
Jjjakal wrote:
> I have made an animation and rendered the animation, but when i hit RENDER> it just opens a black renderer. render. I have a camera and about ten> lights.
Could you be a little specific?
A minimal version of your scene - producing this black - could help to find
the problem.
From: Tim Cook
Subject: Re: Animation Rendering help
Date: 19 Jul 2005 05:37:42
Message: <42dcc9e6@news.povray.org>
Jjjakal wrote:
> I have made an animation and rendered the animation, but when i hit RENDER> it just opens a black renderer. render. I have a camera and about ten> lights.
Make sure your render settings for the anim. plugin are set to call POV
and not one of its other modes.
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
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