I'm new to Moray and as my scene gets more and more complex, everything is
geting really slow. For some reason, Moray is shading the scene in all
viewports but I can't make it right. Is there a way to do it? Or even
better, can I make the viewports display the objects as simple as possible
(bounding boxes would do)? I'm just
positioning objects in the scene so I don't need details...
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On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 11:33:00 EST, "Cesar" <ces### [at] terracombr>
>I'm new to Moray and as my scene gets more and more complex, everything is
>geting really slow. For some reason, Moray is shading the scene in all
>viewports but I can't make it right. Is there a way to do it? Or even
>better, can I make the viewports display the objects as simple as possible
>(bounding boxes would do)? I'm just
>positioning objects in the scene so I don't need details...
Float your mouse over the window title e.g. "Front", "Side" etc then
right click. Select the view you want e.g. "wireframe". Alternately
place the mouse in the window and press 3. You can also make things
"hidden" using the Layers.
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