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A few thoughts, while I'm watching a Livestream of someone building a 3D
higher resolution for viewport backdrop display
ability to change the width of the Create/Modify/Select pane
a simple calculator module in the Create/Modify/Select pane would be
handy to have
In Moray's mesh-edit mode...
the ability to display an XYZ manipulation widget for a selected vertex
so you can move it along discrete axes in the camera-view (for both
world coordinates and relative to the vertex's normal)
the ability to orient a vertex normal, visually
edge-loop division, so you don't have to manually select and edge-split
and repeat around a cube then merge triangle-pairs back into quads
the ability to manually edit location coordinates for a selected vertex,
the way you can with sweeps and bezier patches
the ability to rig a skeleton and deform a mesh (able to configure
individual vertex motions relative to skeleton and/or other vertices/etc?)
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I would need to install Moray again and re-discover my proficiency with
it after many years of neglect, and I am sure I could come up with a
long list of wishes :-)
I hope some time will be found for work on Moray 4.0 by the developers.
I would be glad to help testing the beta stages. But time and
opportunity might be the real issues here :-(
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...another thought, as Moray crashes, taking two hours' unsaved work
with it...
...a feature like Autodesk software has, that lets you save whatever it
was you were doing when a crash happens, would be nice.
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...am I missing something, or is there not a way to display the texture
you're UV-mapping faces to in the UV view in Moray? O.O;;;
Tim Cook
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Huh. Texture shows up in UV view when it's got an aspect ratio of 1.0,
otherwise not. The more you know.
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