POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : Question about translational sweeps Server Time
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  Question about translational sweeps (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Marc
Subject: Question about translational sweeps
Date: 7 Aug 2006 04:36:46
Message: <44d6fb9e$1@news.povray.org>
Hi all

Moray have this object "translational sweep" that can be exported as prism
regarding some conditions (linear, cubic or quadratic interpolation type, no
But in POVRay, you can make holes or even  nested prism by using more than
one spline...
"The prism object allows you to use any number of sub-prisms inside one
prism statement (they are of the same spline and sweep type). Wherever an
even number of sub-prisms overlaps a hole appears. " says the documentation
( Prism)
Is there any simple way to perform that simple feature in Moray?
Am I missing something obvious as I did several times before? :-)


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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: Question about translational sweeps
Date: 13 Aug 2006 11:28:30
Message: <44df451e$1@news.povray.org>
> Is there any simple way to perform that simple feature in Moray?
> Am I missing something obvious as I did several times before? :-)
I think the only way is to use two or more objects and CSG (difference) 
them. It may be possible to use one sweep and overlap the points, but this 
confuses the OpenGL display and it would be hard to tell where every thing 


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