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From: Keith
Subject: New PlugIns :)
Date: 21 Jul 2005 13:55:25
Message: <42dfe18d@news.povray.org>
Hi All,

I've not been very active around here lately but that does not mean I've
not been programming (the Pov Parser is comming along quite nicely :))
but I've also finally figured out a way to get Chris Colefaxs Bend and
Explode incs to work via Moray PlugIns, both are early betas and don't
work properly with csg, groups and udos, but I'm working on it :)

They are up for grabs at my newish site (they are rar files as the site does
not allow zips :( )

Get them from ........

and my email is and has been for a while now

kei### [at] yahoocouk

The Zetnet page is still there but won't be updated anymore as I don't pay
for it anymore.

Any comments much appreicated.

Best Regards,


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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 21 Jul 2005 23:21:24
Message: <42e06634$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks Keith,
I tried out the bend plugin, and got nowhere with it. Could you give us a 
hint as to how to use it?
Steve Shelby

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From: Keith
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 22 Jul 2005 14:48:04
Message: <42e13f64$1@news.povray.org>
Hi Steve,

K, step by step....

1 create a cylinder at 0,0,0, scale to 0,0,5
2 hit the bend button
3 you will see the bend representation, (remind me to create a better one) 
looks like an upside down cone sort of :P
4 Change Object Axis 1 to be 0,0,0
5 Change Object Axis 2  to 0,0,5
6 Select the Clyinder that you just created as the object to bend in the 
pulldown combo box
7 hit the render button

For shapes not at the origin change the Object axis appropriately, up the 
Bend Smoothness if necessary, use the start/finish to move the bend or 
constrict it anywhere on the object.

I hope that helps



"Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] shelbyvisioncom> wrote in message
> Thanks Keith,
> I tried out the bend plugin, and got nowhere with it. Could you give us a
> hint as to how to use it?
> Steve Shelby

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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 22 Jul 2005 22:59:54
Message: <42e1b2aa$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks for the tutorial. I tried it, and I got the following error in POV:

Returned from renderer with error status

File: bentz.pov  Line: 91
#declare bend_finish         = 1.000; // Finish

#declare bend_object = object{MakePrairie <----ERROR

Parse Error: Expected 'object', undeclared identifier 'MakePrairie' found 

Returned from renderer with error status

Steve Shelby

"Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)> wrote 
in message news:42e13f64$1@news.povray.org...
> Hi Steve,
> K, step by step....
> 1 create a cylinder at 0,0,0, scale to 0,0,5
> 2 hit the bend button
> 3 you will see the bend representation, (remind me to create a better one) 
> looks like an upside down cone sort of :P
> 4 Change Object Axis 1 to be 0,0,0
> 5 Change Object Axis 2  to 0,0,5
> 6 Select the Clyinder that you just created as the object to bend in the 
> pulldown combo box
> 7 hit the render button
> For shapes not at the origin change the Object axis appropriately, up the 
> Bend Smoothness if necessary, use the start/finish to move the bend or 
> constrict it anywhere on the object.
> I hope that helps
> Regards,
> Keith

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From: Keith
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 23 Jul 2005 04:02:33
Message: <42e1f999$1@news.povray.org>
Ok, thats a bug :P, its code left over from the grass include that this was 
derived from.

Not sure why yours is doing it and not mine tho. Ill look into it.



"Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] shelbyvisioncom> wrote in message 
> Keith,
> Thanks for the tutorial. I tried it, and I got the following error in POV:
> Returned from renderer with error status
> File: bentz.pov  Line: 91
> #declare bend_finish         = 1.000; // Finish
> #declare bend_object = object{MakePrairie <----ERROR
> Parse Error: Expected 'object', undeclared identifier 'MakePrairie' found 
> instead
> Returned from renderer with error status
> Steve Shelby
> "Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)> 
> wrote in message news:42e13f64$1@news.povray.org...
>> Hi Steve,
>> K, step by step....
>> 1 create a cylinder at 0,0,0, scale to 0,0,5
>> 2 hit the bend button
>> 3 you will see the bend representation, (remind me to create a better 
>> one) looks like an upside down cone sort of :P
>> 4 Change Object Axis 1 to be 0,0,0
>> 5 Change Object Axis 2  to 0,0,5
>> 6 Select the Clyinder that you just created as the object to bend in the 
>> pulldown combo box
>> 7 hit the render button
>> For shapes not at the origin change the Object axis appropriately, up the 
>> Bend Smoothness if necessary, use the start/finish to move the bend or 
>> constrict it anywhere on the object.
>> I hope that helps
>> Regards,
>> Keith

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From: Keith
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 23 Jul 2005 04:17:47
Message: <42e1fd2b$1@news.povray.org>
Hmmm, you didn't follow the instructions Steve, since the only way for this 
happen is if you didn't select an object to bend in the combo box! Still 
I'll release
another version that exits gracefully if you havn't selected anything to 



"Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)> wrote 
in message news:42e1f999$1@news.povray.org...
> Ok, thats a bug :P, its code left over from the grass include that this 
> was derived from.
> Not sure why yours is doing it and not mine tho. Ill look into it.
> Regards,
> Keith
> "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] shelbyvisioncom> wrote in message 
> news:42e1b2aa$1@news.povray.org...
>> Keith,
>> Thanks for the tutorial. I tried it, and I got the following error in 
>> POV:
>> Returned from renderer with error status
>> File: bentz.pov  Line: 91
>> #declare bend_finish         = 1.000; // Finish
>> #declare bend_object = object{MakePrairie <----ERROR
>> Parse Error: Expected 'object', undeclared identifier 'MakePrairie' found 
>> instead
>> Returned from renderer with error status
>> Steve Shelby
>> "Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)> 
>> wrote in message news:42e13f64$1@news.povray.org...
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> K, step by step....
>>> 1 create a cylinder at 0,0,0, scale to 0,0,5
>>> 2 hit the bend button
>>> 3 you will see the bend representation, (remind me to create a better 
>>> one) looks like an upside down cone sort of :P
>>> 4 Change Object Axis 1 to be 0,0,0
>>> 5 Change Object Axis 2  to 0,0,5
>>> 6 Select the Clyinder that you just created as the object to bend in the 
>>> pulldown combo box
>>> 7 hit the render button
>>> For shapes not at the origin change the Object axis appropriately, up 
>>> the Bend Smoothness if necessary, use the start/finish to move the bend 
>>> or constrict it anywhere on the object.
>>> I hope that helps
>>> Regards,
>>> Keith

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From: Keith
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 23 Jul 2005 04:44:44
Message: <42e2037c$1@news.povray.org>
Hi Steve,

A new version is up, it will output a comment line such as // #declare 
bend_object = object {You have to select an object to bend}
:) and of course Moray will then output the original object, so in the case 
of the cylinder in the tutorial it will appear as if nothing had
happened, as you might expect. As an aside the way the plugin works is that 
it resets the objects Export flag when selected as a
Bend object so that Moray does not export it to the Pov scene file, the 
plugin then exports its own version of the object to the
bend include. So if no object is selected for the bend Moray will output it 
as normal.



"Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)> wrote 
in message news:42e1f999$1@news.povray.org...
> Ok, thats a bug :P, its code left over from the grass include that this 
> was derived from.
> Not sure why yours is doing it and not mine tho. Ill look into it.
> Regards,
> Keith
> "Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] shelbyvisioncom> wrote in message 
> news:42e1b2aa$1@news.povray.org...
>> Keith,
>> Thanks for the tutorial. I tried it, and I got the following error in 
>> POV:
>> Returned from renderer with error status
>> File: bentz.pov  Line: 91
>> #declare bend_finish         = 1.000; // Finish
>> #declare bend_object = object{MakePrairie <----ERROR
>> Parse Error: Expected 'object', undeclared identifier 'MakePrairie' found 
>> instead
>> Returned from renderer with error status
>> Steve Shelby
>> "Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)> 
>> wrote in message news:42e13f64$1@news.povray.org...
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> K, step by step....
>>> 1 create a cylinder at 0,0,0, scale to 0,0,5
>>> 2 hit the bend button
>>> 3 you will see the bend representation, (remind me to create a better 
>>> one) looks like an upside down cone sort of :P
>>> 4 Change Object Axis 1 to be 0,0,0
>>> 5 Change Object Axis 2  to 0,0,5
>>> 6 Select the Clyinder that you just created as the object to bend in the 
>>> pulldown combo box
>>> 7 hit the render button
>>> For shapes not at the origin change the Object axis appropriately, up 
>>> the Bend Smoothness if necessary, use the start/finish to move the bend 
>>> or constrict it anywhere on the object.
>>> I hope that helps
>>> Regards,
>>> Keith

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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 23 Jul 2005 07:30:17
Message: <42e22a49$1@news.povray.org>
Ah ha, I see now. I mis-read your instruction #6. I *selected* the object
instead of selecting it in the bend menu. I tried it again the right way and
it works. ;^}> Thanks for the clarification.

"Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)> wrote 
in message news:42e1fd2b$1@news.povray.org...
> Hmmm, you didn't follow the instructions Steve, since the only way for 
> this to
> happen is if you didn't select an object to bend in the combo box! Still 
> I'll release
> another version that exits gracefully if you havn't selected anything to 
> bend.
> Regards,
> Keith

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 25 Jul 2005 02:53:32
Message: <42e48c6c@news.povray.org>
"Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)>
schreef in bericht news:42dfe18d@news.povray.org...
> Hi All,
> They are up for grabs at my newish site (they are rar files as the site
> not allow zips :( )

How can I open rar files??


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From: Arne Kleinophorst
Subject: Re: New PlugIns :)
Date: 25 Jul 2005 04:14:02
Message: <42e49f4a$1@news.povray.org>
Have a look at



Thomas de Groot schrieb:
> "Keith" <keithh666-@-yahoo-co-uk (remove and/or replace the - with .)>
> schreef in bericht news:42dfe18d@news.povray.org...
>>Hi All,
>>They are up for grabs at my newish site (they are rar files as the site
> does
>>not allow zips :( )
> How can I open rar files??
> Thomas

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