POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : Stephen Shonfield Manikin.lua Server Time
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  Stephen Shonfield Manikin.lua (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: leseur sylvain
Subject: Stephen Shonfield Manikin.lua
Date: 3 May 2005 08:53:46
Message: <4277745a@news.povray.org>
Stephen can you give me the permission to add some
possiblittes to Manikin.Lua?
A color for each member, scale for legs and arms
etc etc

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From: StephenS
Subject: Re: Stephen Shonfield Manikin.lua
Date: 3 May 2005 16:57:47
Message: <4277e5cb@news.povray.org>
> Stephen can you give me the permission to add some
> possiblittes to Manikin.Lua?
> A color for each member, scale for legs and arms
> etc etc
> Friendly
> Sylvain
You, or anyone else, can change/modify/replace what ever you want.
I only request that you change the UID number if you chose to release the
new plugin.


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From: leseur sylvain
Subject: Re: Stephen Shonfield Manikin.lua
Date: 4 May 2005 02:10:11
Message: <42786743$1@news.povray.org>
Ok, thanks Stephen

> > Stephen can you give me the permission to add some
> > possiblittes to Manikin.Lua?
> > A color for each member, scale for legs and arms
> > etc etc
> > Friendly
> > Sylvain
> Yes
> You, or anyone else, can change/modify/replace what ever you want.
> I only request that you change the UID number if you chose to release the
> new plugin.
> Stephen

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