POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : Bug report: bump_map and file names Server Time
26 Dec 2024 17:32:27 EST (-0500)
  Bug report: bump_map and file names (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Neil Kolban
Subject: Bug report: bump_map and file names
Date: 28 Dec 2004 10:55:01
Message: <41d181d5$2@news.povray.org>
A bug report for Moray 3.5.

In the Materials editor, when I specify a normal bump_map, the filename
added to the scene does NOT include the full path name like it does with an
image_map.  This means that the file isn't found by POV-Ray unless I copy to
a POV-Ray Library_Path folder.


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From: Lutz Kretzschmar
Subject: Re: Bug report: bump_map and file names
Date: 3 Jan 2005 19:02:46
Message: <l1njt01bqh0ekq89uu5afp0vb06tpo3np7@4ax.com>
On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 09:52:58 -0600, "Neil Kolban" <kol### [at] kolbancom>

> In the Materials editor, when I specify a normal bump_map, the filename
> added to the scene does NOT include the full path name like it does with an
> image_map.  This means that the file isn't found by POV-Ray unless I copy to
> a POV-Ray Library_Path folder.
Generally, if a filename is not exported with a full pathname, then
Moray can't find the filename in any of the Search Paths specified for
that file type. To verify this, select View|Dependancies. The file
should show up as missing with an option to browse for it, which you
should do and allow Moray to store that path in the Search Path.

If View|Dependancies works fine without notifying you of the missing
file, then something weird is going on, because Normal Maps do go
through the regular filename/pathname epansion routines.....


- Lutz
  email : lut### [at] stmuccom
  Web   : http://www.stmuc.com/moray

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