POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : Where to share my Moray models... Server Time
26 Dec 2024 17:38:42 EST (-0500)
  Where to share my Moray models... (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Neil Kolban
Subject: Where to share my Moray models...
Date: 1 Dec 2004 08:37:58
Message: <41adc936$1@news.povray.org>
I see that the website at http://www.stmuc.com/moray/meobjs.html hasn't been
updated since 2001!!!

Where are we sharing models?  I have built some new artifacts (a GO Board, a
packet of cigarettes ...) and want to share these in the hope that they may
be of value to others.  Where is the *best* place for me to upload these


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From: Lutz Kretzschmar
Subject: Re: Where to share my Moray models...
Date: 3 Dec 2004 11:53:24
Message: <5e61r0hagm0ct7k85gagep30khf2ql22pk@4ax.com>
Hi Neil Kolban, you recently wrote in moray.win:

> I see that the website at http://www.stmuc.com/moray/meobjs.html hasn't been
> updated since 2001!!!
Yeah, I haven't gotten any submissions since then....

> Where are we sharing models?  
I would hope right there on that site. It would be the best and most
obvious place and probably where most people would look first.


- Lutz
  email : lut### [at] stmuccom
  Web   : http://www.stmuc.com/moray

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