"Mr" <m******r******at_hotmail_dot_fr> wrote:
> "eric" <evo### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> > Hello, I am Eric Mille from France . By the past I was a Moray 3D user
> > since1999. I am programmer too. I would like to do a modeler for povray based on
> > Moray . Yet the project is called POVmax.
> > I want to use Code Typhon Studio 7.70 ( GLscenes components ) to do this . I
> > would like to know if it's possible to obtain a copy of Moray's project. I think
> > Moray is easyer to use than BLENDER.
> >
> > waiting for your answer, best regards,
> >
> > Eric.
> Hi Eric ! Since your preamble states this seems to be a triggering factor for
> your demand, Could you also be more specific about what is not working for you
> with Blender POV-Ed (Moray like workspace that is triggered when you pick POV as
> a renderer and save default file) so that we can improve it? I cruelly lack any
> feedback (embarrassed smiley)... Thanks in advance and I'm also looking forwards
> to other answers to your question.
"Could you also be more specific about what is not working for you
with Blender... "
I'll chime in here. Using Blender is like shooting a fly with a bazooka. It's
overly complex if one wishes to just do simple 3D work as we did in in Moray.
I've tried to use Blender as a substitute for Moray and I find that no matter
how much they improve it, the interface is far more complex for the task than it
needs to be.
Besides, the Moray code has been languishing for years. If someone wants to take
a shot at updating it, why not? I've considered asking for the base code myself
and rebuilding the program using the Qt libraries. Cheers.
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