POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : I want do develop a povray modeler for povray based on Moray 3.5 : I want do develop a povray modeler for povray based on Moray 3.5 Server Time
15 Oct 2024 02:28:56 EDT (-0400)
  I want do develop a povray modeler for povray based on Moray 3.5  
From: eric
Date: 31 May 2022 03:35:00
Message: <web.6295c4ddaeb80d548af0bb1fd061826@news.povray.org>
Hello, I am Eric Mille from France . By the past I was a Moray 3D user
since1999. I am programmer too. I would like to do a modeler for povray based on
Moray . Yet the project is called POVmax.
I want to use Code Typhon Studio 7.70 ( GLscenes components ) to do this . I
would like to know if it's possible to obtain a copy of Moray's project. I think
Moray is easyer to use than BLENDER.

waiting for your answer, best regards,


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