On Tue, 5 May 2009 12:54:16 +0200, "Kzerphii Toomk" <kze### [at] orangefr> wrote:
>Is it possible to change coordinates of a mesh (or mesh 2) during an
>I'd like give life to meshes but XYZ resize is not enough... :))
>Thanks for answers.
Hi Kzerphii,
I don't think that there is. You can animate the mesh in an animation if
you pre-animate a series of meshes and then include them one at a time during
the rendering. IIRC as I did not use the animation feature of Moray very much,
try using the include plugin and call the meshes with something like;
#include concat("E:\\Graphics\\Scenes
PS the "My_mesh_",str(mod(frame_number,89),-4,0),".inc")" includes a mesh
numbered 0 to 89.inc in a cyclic fashion. Like My_mesh_0.inc
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