POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.win : Rendering animations in Vista? : Rendering animations in Vista? Server Time
10 Feb 2025 18:52:06 EST (-0500)
  Rendering animations in Vista?  
From: Tim Cook
Date: 6 Oct 2010 18:42:13
Message: <4cacfb45$1@news.povray.org>
Running Moray 3.5 and calling POV-Ray 3.5 under Windows Vista 
32-bit...attempting to render an animation from within Moray results in 
only 1 frame being rendered.

Rather urgently need solution to this problem (though I guess I could 
install POV and Moray and make the project on an XP-based computer to 
which I have access, but it's rather slower)

Tim Cook

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