m_a_r_c wrote:
> web.4adabe4a80868e10b03f96fc0@news.povray.org...
>> no...have tried with both 3.6 and 3.7 32bit and 64bit versions...am
>> running Win7
>> 64bit...POV itself works fine....so does Moray, I just can't get them to
>> link
> In fact Moray well fits to POV 3.5
> What I do is to have POV 3.5 installed as direct renderer for Moray.
> If I want to use 3.6 or 3.7 or even MegaPOV features, I open in one of these
> softs and run the Moray output .ini file which has the same name than the
> ..mdl file and is in the export directory set in the render settings box.
> Marc
To put it even stronger than Marc. Moray has issues with any version of
Pov greater than 3.5. On some OS it will open Pov 3.6 on others it will
not. I assume that there are compatibility settings that you have tried
in Win 7.
But the best thing to do is what Marc suggested, install Pov 3.5.
Best Regards,
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