message de news: 49952c72$1@news.povray.org...
> 1) open the Material Editor
> 2) right click on the name of the material you want to assign to your mesh
> 3) click on Properties/Rename
> 4) check the box saying "This is a mesh2 texture....."
> 5) close the properties box and the Material Editor
> 6) select your mesh
> 7) on the Modify tab to the right of your screen, you will find the Mesh
> Parameters tab, containing a Texture List. Press Add, and select the
> texture you have defined for the mesh.
> The mesh has now a texture block assigned to it, instead of a material
> block. You can now render you scene without problems.
In addition, if you DO want to assign a material to your objet (but without
uv_mapping) you can put your mesh in a union CSG or a group and assign your
material to this union or group.
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