"Lawrence W" <lwi### [at] daktel com> schreef in bericht
> Yes, that's what they say ("they" being the higher lifeforms who are in
> charge of watching the life-living habits of people everywhere). This is
> a
> perfect example of making Moray OSS. Something Lutz wants to hear? Of
> course not, but if no development work is being done on Moray, and hasn't
> been done for years, it just amounts to a dead project. Money can't be a
> concern, considering it's shareware, so if real life is seriously that
> much
> in the way, why not simply become principle developer and let everyone
> else
> do the grunt work? I mean, its not like there wouldn't be anyone willing
> to pick it up...
> Nonetheless, Lutz rules, but its becoming a token praise.
Yes, I agree...
I would have prefered a working update with pov version 3.6 (and 3.7)
instead of all the beta work around a better mesh modeller inside Moray (or
so I have understood the development). There are (and were) excellent mesh
modellers available, so, imo, Moray does not need really it. It is far more
powerful in other domains, not in the least in the plugin interface, that I
would like to see developed in the same manner/philosophy as Leveller.
<sigh again>
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