POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.dos : Annual Inform Server Time
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  Annual Inform (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Rafael
Subject: Annual Inform
Date: 8 Mar 2017 06:10:00
Message: <web.58bfe664c2b6eb0c699e44e00@news.povray.org>
I guess a new version of PovRay and Moray for DOS will be very useful for me.

This year FreeRay2016 includes eighteen 3D objets with HTML documentation
(seventeen are DOS compatible) in this link
Previous versions in the FreeRay subdomain

My code for animation in DOS advances slowly.I was concentrated in
my new commercial release Palitos Iniciales
A lot of graphics and 3D objects for games are POVRay-Moray-Epspline related.

I am programming LibreN3D for 3D animations, and some other projects in FreeDOS
and other systems,
but these three past years they really were standing by. I have a lot of
complications, so "acceptable videos" will not be availables in 2020 yet. Don't
worry, just you must have some patience.

Jesus and Marie bless you.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Annual Inform
Date: 8 Mar 2017 10:42:27
Message: <58c02663$1@news.povray.org>
Am 08.03.2017 um 12:09 schrieb Rafael:
> I guess a new version of PovRay and Moray for DOS will be very useful for me.

You're still using *DOS*?!

I'm sorry, but POV-Ray for DOS has been discontinued ages ago -- and
getting the current codebase back to a point where it would even
/compile/ for DOS -- let alone /run properly/ -- might be... shall we
say, challenging?

In essence, if you want a DOS version of POV-Ray 3.7, you'll have to
take it upon yourself to...

- Find a C++ compiler that is not only able to generate DOS binaries,
but while doing so meets all the requirements outlined in
`source-doc/compiler.md` (we most likely won't relax those requirements;
to the contrary, expect future versions of POV-Ray to rely on more and
more features of C++11, and maybe even later C++ standards), and is able
to build the boost libraries.

- Set up project files for that compiler (or makefiles, or whatever
meta-information it needs).

- Set up compile-time POV-Ray configuration files for that compiler.

- Develop a dedicated DOS front-end (the Windows console version might
be a starting point, or alternatively the Unix front-end).

- Diagnose, report, suggest solutions to, and follow up on any
peculiarities of the POV-Ray code that turns out to get in your way.

- Provide user support (presuming you distribute that DOS version of

Also, I noticed you enquire someplace else about a 64-bit version of
FreeDOS. Don't expect anything along those lines to /ever/ happen: DOS
has immensely strong ties to the architecture of the original 8086 CPUs,
which even as early as in 80286 CPUs was only one of multiple operating
modes. Since the AMD64 architecture does not provide any means
whatsoever of switching back to, nor emulating, 8086 mode once the CPU
has entered 64-bit mode, a 64-bit application started from DOS would
have no way of invoking any operating system functions at all, and
couldn't even give control back to DOS when terminating.

While it would certainly be possible to concoct something /similar/ to
DOS that runs in 64-bit mode, it wouldn't be able to run genuine DOS
binaries, which would defy the whole purpose of the exercise: You could
just as well implement a brand new operating system based on a much more
modern design. Or simply switch to one of the existing ones, such as Linux.

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