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Anyone watching? :-P
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don't scare me like that!
Current obsession: "Ballet pour ma fille."
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"Jan Walzer" <jan### [at] lzer net> wrote in message
> no
Didn't think so :-D
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"Dearmad" <dea### [at] applesnake net> wrote in message
news:3BF### [at] applesnake net...
> don't scare me like that!
Har har!
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Dearmad wrote:
> don't scare me like that!
> --
> Current obsession: "Ballet pour ma fille."
> http://www.applesnake.net
Never look behind you. Something might be gaining!
Ken Matassa
(and to answer the origenal question: Yes, I still lokk here from time
to time because I still use the DOS version of Povray.)
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Not usually a problem- it's the things that I run head into
that usually crap me up! :)
Ken Matassa wrote:
> Dearmad wrote:
> >
> > don't scare me like that!
> > --
> > Current obsession: "Ballet pour ma fille."
> > http://www.applesnake.net
> Never look behind you. Something might be gaining!
> Ken Matassa
> (and to answer the origenal question: Yes, I still lokk here from time
> to time because I still use the DOS version of Povray.)
> Ken
Current obsession: "Ballet pour ma fille."
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"Ken Matassa" <ken### [at] pacbell net> wrote in message
> Never look behind you. Something might be gaining!
> (and to answer the origenal question: Yes, I still lokk here from time
> to time because I still use the DOS version of Povray.)
I sort of expected you to be the first one to reply, but then again, this
little group is rather...um...slow :-)
Ah well...
Funny...not a single post currently on the server for this particular group
has been on-topic ;-)
#macro S(M)cylinder{E(M)<A,C,5>,<B,D,5>,.1,15}#end#macro E(P)#if(div(P,16)
)#declare B=-1;#declare D=-2;#end#if(div(P,32))#declare A=1;#declare C=0;#
end#if(div(P,64))#declare B=-1;#declare D=0;#end#if(div(P,128))#declare A=
1;#declare C=2;#end#end blob{S(192)S(96)S(48)pigment{rgb 8*z}} /** Ian **/
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Hi Ian Burgmyer, you recently wrote in moray.dos:
> Funny...not a single post currently on the server for this particular group
> has been on-topic ;-)
Hehe, and probably never will be again :-) I don't anticipate
announcing anything here and I think there are no unanswered questions
about the DOS version, or Dearmad is the only DOS user left :-)
- Lutz
email : lut### [at] stmuc com
Web : http://www.stmuc.com/moray
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> Hehe, and probably never will be again :-) I don't anticipate
> announcing anything here and I think there are no unanswered questions
> about the DOS version, or Dearmad is the only DOS user left :-)
how about open sourcing it?
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