POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.dos : for that one other person... : Re: for that one other person... Server Time
19 Sep 2024 19:15:44 EDT (-0400)
  Re: for that one other person...  
From: Ken Matassa
Date: 7 Apr 2001 23:42:42
Message: <3ACFE0F6.3499@pacbell.net>
Glad to here you're not having too much trouble with win2k. I understand
that it is a lot more stable than previouse win encarnations. I have
alot of other issuse with MS that contribute to my desire not to use
thier products.

I have been using Linux for about a year and a half noe at work, So have
enough expereance to be at ease with it. I have my Linux box up and
running with Caldera 2.4 and have had no problems. I just need to get
email properly configured, I will retire my DOS box to side use. My
Linux box has swapable hard drives so I can use different OS's without
haveing to duel boot. I will eventualy get a drive for Win 98 so I can
use such thing as Poser.

Ken Matassa

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