POV-Ray : Newsgroups : moray.binaries : Medieval house #4 : Re: Medieval house #4 Server Time
10 Feb 2025 18:07:20 EST (-0500)
  Re: Medieval house #4  
From: Stephen
Date: 2 Oct 2006 05:00:00
Message: <web.4520d41cdde9b2bbf1cb1e660@news.povray.org>
"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] internlnet> wrote:

> Didn't know MacLeod. Shall keep him in mind at my next bookshop visit
> (athought they tend to overexpose Fantasy, imo, and not SF).

Do that, try to start with the earliest series; The Star Fraction (1995),
The Stone Canal (1996), The Cassini Division (1997), The Sky Road (1999),
if you can. Yes there is too much Fantasy for my taste and I like you using


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