"Stephen" <mcavoys_AT_aolDOT.com> schreef in bericht
> It's been so long since I read Dangerous Visions I forgot who edited it.
> As
> for Michael Moorcock I don't think I've read him in 35 years. I loved him
> when I was a teenager but now his super heroes leave me cold. My latest
> favourite author is Ken MacLeod.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_MacLeod
> His early books were set in Glasgow (my birthplace) and London (where I
> now
> live) and he is a socialist, to boot.
Didn't know MacLeod. Shall keep him in mind at my next bookshop visit
(athought they tend to overexpose Fantasy, imo, and not SF). As for
Moorcock, I was more interested in books like Behold the Man or the Ice
Shooner (which would give some good renders too), but, yes, that was long
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