POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Vista round open for voting Server Time
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  Vista round open for voting (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: David Buck
Subject: Vista round open for voting
Date: 2 Mar 2010 06:47:49
Message: <4b8cfae5$1@news.povray.org>
The Vista round is open for voting.

I've had a report that one of the images is a photograph (all the green 
is gone).  I can't verify this right now so I'll leave it to the 
community.  If I get agreement I'll delete the image.

I've also seen one report here of someone who couldn't post the image in 
time.  I don't mind posing it but again, I'll leave it to the community 
to decide whether it's fair.


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From: Doctor John
Subject: Re: Vista round open for voting
Date: 2 Mar 2010 13:49:10
Message: <4b8d5da6@news.povray.org>
David Buck wrote:
> The Vista round is open for voting.
> I've had a report that one of the images is a photograph (all the green
> is gone).  I can't verify this right now so I'll leave it to the
> community.  If I get agreement I'll delete the image.

To my eyes that is definitely a photograph.

> I've also seen one report here of someone who couldn't post the image in
> time.  I don't mind posing it but again, I'll leave it to the community
> to decide whether it's fair.

Depends on how late the culprit left it.
12 hours before close of play = reasonable
12 seconds "   "   " = no chance

Cogito sum,|| wbu### [at] tznvypbz (rot'ed) || GPG Key Fingerprint:
ergo sum,  ||   These opinions are mine alone,   || 0D9BCF4CF1B71CA2F5F7
cogito     ||     others can find their own      || BFBBCBC34EDEAEFCE453

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From: David Buck
Subject: Re: Vista round open for voting
Date: 2 Mar 2010 17:08:52
Message: <4b8d8c74$1@news.povray.org>
Doctor John wrote:
> David Buck wrote:
>> The Vista round is open for voting.
>> I've had a report that one of the images is a photograph (all the green
>> is gone).  I can't verify this right now so I'll leave it to the
>> community.  If I get agreement I'll delete the image.
> To my eyes that is definitely a photograph.

The JPG identifies itself as being taken from a Canon PowerShot SD750 
F-stop F/8 Exposure 1/320sec. ISO-80 etc.  It's deleted.

David Buck

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