POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Mystery...Babylon Server Time
15 Oct 2024 17:22:02 EDT (-0400)
  Mystery...Babylon (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Jim Charter
Subject: Mystery...Babylon
Date: 30 Jul 2003 17:23:35
Message: <3f283757$1@news.povray.org>

This picture has the feeling of deliberate assembly on at least three 

Conceptually the approach is literary and cerebral, "a pictorial 
representation" of the topic. The choice of subject plays directly on 
the occurance of the word "mystery" in a passage from the Old Testament. 
This passage, with its various ambiguities and allegories,
provides the basis for the picture. Eichenberg introduces his own 
symbolism to interpret the "vision" in the text.  Skulls represent dead 
mortals, lotus's stand for purity, multiple limbs  signal the 
metaphysics of the central figure.

Artistically the symmetrical composition references both western and 
eastern religious allegories and helps integrate the mix of visual 
elements.  The picture contains a lot of information yet it is well 
ordered and carefully staged.  It looks more precise than real. 
LIghting is adapted to effect.  Cool highlights give a porcelain quality 
to the bodies of the celestial figures. Earthy color and warm chariscuro 
gives an organic quality to the skeletal mortals.  The saturated 
primaries are kept to broad and well defined areas.  The red of the 
beast is particularily effective between the cyans of the figures and 
the earth tones of the background.

Technically,  program loops build pictorial density and invite closer 
scrutiny. The approach is to  assemble a mix of found and original 
objects with well crafted texturing and lighting. The emphasis is on 
pictorial effect rather than technical purity. The accompanying text 
documents the sources of the various elements as faithfully as it 
describes their symbolic meanings.


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From: gonzo
Subject: Re: Mystery...Babylon
Date: 1 Aug 2003 16:55:01
Message: <web.3f2ad2f6e71bd898a0c272b50@news.povray.org>
Jim Charter wrote:
>Conceptually the approach is literary and cerebral, "a pictorial
>representation" of the topic. The choice of subject plays directly on
>the occurance of the word "mystery" in a passage from the Old Testament.
>This passage, with its various ambiguities and allegories,
>provides the basis for the picture.

Concept was the strongest category of this image for me. As pointed out in
the textfile, this passage has had numerous interpretations.  Just to take
on such a broadly worded theme would be challenging, and to pull it off
this well gets high marks indeed. The artist's interpretation is valid and
supports his description quite well.

>Artistically the symmetrical composition references both western and
>eastern religious allegories and helps integrate the mix of visual
>elements.  The picture contains a lot of information yet it is well
>ordered and carefully staged.

The artistic category was IMO the weakest part of this image.  While the
biblical passage the image describes is dynamic and portentious, the
sraight on camera view freezes the scene, taking away much of the dynamics.
As you say, "carefully staged", but a little too staged for me. It feels
more like an archeological textbook photo than an artistic expression.
Moving the camera to the left or right would open up the scene and provide
a sense of impending movement and portent more in keeping with the theme.

>Technically,  program loops build pictorial density and invite closer
>scrutiny. The approach is to  assemble a mix of found and original
>objects with well crafted texturing and lighting.

Technically superb.  Well modelled, well lighted and well textured. While
nothing particularly stands out, the overall mix of elements shows a
mastery of many techniques, and the high level of detail shows this mastery
off very effectively.  And getting all those arms on the Poser figure
without leaving noticable creases or artifacts can't have been easy.

Overall an excellent image.


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From: Shay
Subject: Re: Mystery...Babylon
Date: 4 Aug 2003 16:02:40
Message: <3f2ebbe0$1@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] aolcom> wrote in message

The concept is interesting, but this picture is a perfect example of
what can really suck about CSG art. I'm not the only one who thinks so,
as these paper doll type pics don't usually win the IRTC. The blobtree
fruit have much more personality.


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