POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : standard of entry : standard of entry Server Time
14 Oct 2024 13:21:34 EDT (-0400)
  standard of entry  
From: Vladimir
Date: 10 Jul 2004 16:25:01
Message: <web.40f04f69c31926d1de2762960@news.povray.org>
Iv not quite mastered the message posting system so this is meant to be in
reply to the post about dropping standards.

This is my first entry to the irtc ("hall of the mountain king" if you want
to see it) and I have to say that while I was voting I noticed that manyof
my scores were below 10. most of theses were using bryce as the renderer.
POV is free and in many cases produces better results so why not use it.
The people who said that there image had not been finished also annoyed me
as I put a lot of time and work into my entry and here were people who had
simply thrown a picture together. There are some great pictures in there
but they are buried beneath a lot of rubbish. hopefully people will not be
put off by this or the standard will keep dropping.

just my 2p


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