On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 19:31:31 -0800, Doug Eichenberg wrote:
> I've always favored more time. Three months sounds better to me than two.
> I would also suggest increasing the max image size if at all possible, but I
> understand there are constraints on that.
How about this...
Announce the new theme one month before the end of the previous contest.
The way I see it, IRTCers basically fall into 2 main categorys:
A: People who are either VERY good, or have lots of free time. For these
people two months is not a problem, as they are getting an entry in pretty
much every round.
B: The other side of the coin, those of us (self included) who don't have
the time to spend more than maybe 5-10 hours a week on an entry, and for
whom a 3 month time period would be more appealing. By foregoing a few
contests per year, "we" would gain an extra month for those times we do
choose to enter.
Even (A) can benefit from this idea, as they can start planning and basic
modeling, say on an older, secondary PC, while the spend the last week or
two of the prior contest rendering their final image on their main system.
Just a thought...
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