"Nekar Xenos" <nek### [at] gmailcom> schreef in bericht
> Here it is - just in case it doesn't get sorted out ;)
> ////////////////////////Begin code/////////////////////////
> // First define the colours with a spline
> #declare Fract_colors =spline {linear_spline 2,<.11,.1,.09>*.001,
> 7,<.15,.13,.1> };
> #macro FracTex(Recursions)
> #local Count=0;
> #while (Count<Recursions)
> crackle
> //rotate Count*30
> //triangle_wave
> warp{turbulence .3}
> scale .5
> texture_map{[0 pigment{ rgb Fract_colors(Count)}
> normal{crackle (Recursions-Count)*.5 slope_map {[0
> <-1,1>][.1 <1,-1>][1 <0,0>]}}
> ]
> [.1
> #local Count=Count+1;
> #end
> pigment{rgb Fract_colors(Count) }
> normal{ crackle Count/.5 slope_map {[0 <-1,1>][.1 <1,-1>][1
> <0,0>]} }
> #while (Count>0)
> ]
> }
> #local Count=Count-1;
> #end
> #end
> plane{y,0 texture{Fractex(5)}}
> //////////////end code//////////////////////////
Hm.... this does not seem to work, possibly because the while loops are
nested in a bizarre way (at least to me)? When using *as is* I get a parse
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